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Allison Secord

Certified Consultant


My Story

I actually happened upon Scentsy quite serendipitously. I was over at a friends house and noticed how amazing her home smelt with incredible scents in every room. Where was she finding all those sweet aromas and why was I not not seeing any candles or grocery store plug ins any where? It took a bit to pry the information out of her (not really, all I did was ask but that really does not sound so exciting now does it?) and I was off and running! So many scents, so many different options and choices, so easy to use, so cost effective and so safe with no wicks, soot or lead to worry about. I may in fact be one of those people who forgets I have a candle burning when I walk out the door. Scentsy has completely taken that fire risk out of the equation for me. And look at my dog, can you say pet products needed?? Scentsy has those now too! Scentsy is phenomenal and seriously, this product sells itself, it really does!! If you take just a moment to check out Scentsy, the incredible products and this amazing business opportunity, I promise you will not regret it! If I can do this, anyone can

My Favourite Scents